When you say you want to get married and have already done so, you must bear one thing in mind; YOUR BODY IS NOT YOUR BODY ANYMORE.
When you were single, you could decide what to do with that body and no one would question you.
But in the marriage atmosphere, it is different.
For instance, you cannot decide to stay off seks for one week without prior information and agreement with your spouse.
Some folks hide under the cover of spirituality to starve their spouses of that beautiful ‘communion of the saints’ by the engaging in marathon fasting and praying regardless of what their partner thinks. Listen, you are being weeked and inconsiderate.
Then there are those who don’t care about their partner’s feeling before getting them in bed, you just want to knack as Knackademus that you are. No petting, no foreplay, no carressing, no fondling, no sextalk before the do, nothing! Nothing!!
You just get back from work, have a shower, call madam inside and connect your wifi whether she is dry or wet, it is none of your business. Make i sha cum is your own. Sir, you are being careless.
The other set are the madams who use work to starve their spouses of seks. Today, you are tired, tomorrow, you are not in the mood, next tomorrow, you are fasting and praying, before you say jack, one month has passed without any show. You see how you want to destroy your home?
For instance, if i want to be intimate with my wife later in the day, from morning or within the day, i have started singing the song of romance into her ears to wet tne ground. That way i am creating an enabling environment where her heart is open to receive me when i knock. This is basic knowledge which many don’t know.
Your spouse that you are starving of seks is a human being with emotions even if he/she is an Apostle General. Some women don’t even know what it means to have orgasm while others fake it.
Seks is more than just entering and coming out.
Intimacy that leads to an amazing sekxual experience involves the two of you and not you alone.
One way or the other, some of the women who took part in the sekscapades with the careless man from Eq. Guinea would have been sek starved by their partners or didn’t experience deep intimacy with their spouses making it easy to fall into such ugly situation.
Some spouses are just so obstinate. They never listen to your spouses to know how to pleasure him/her.
She says she enjoys it when you suck her nipple or massage her clit but because you feel you don’t like it, you just climb and come down breathing like a Gorilla while she is even angry that you did it. Isn’t it supposed to be a happy ending for both of you?
Huncle says he wants blowjob and has pleaded with you to give it a shot but you keep insisting that it is despicable and ungodly, mbok! What is the definition of ugly in this matter?
Aunty, in as much as what you’ve been asked to do isn’t going to ha.rm you, why not give it a trial by being flexible.
Seks in marriage nor suppose hard like this fa.
Some married people are just toooooo rigid.
Too rigid, mbok!
Written by Stanley oduah
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