Dear Lady

 Dear Lady, 

A Man knows what he wants when he sees it.

It doesn't take a year for a Man to reach the decision to marry a lady he likes.

You don't struggle to make a Man see your worth, it doesn't work that way, he is not blind, he can see you, with all your assets and assets, that he is not talking in that direction is because he is not interested... 

Stop struggling hard to throw yourself at and convince a Brother to marry you, in fact, it is a Man who convinces a lady to marry him, it is why the wedding card reads "Jane Weds Musa", not "Musa weds Jane". 

Don't give him sex so he doesn't leave, A Man can sleep with a lady and still leave her. 

Sex doesn't keep a Man..

Don't turn yourself into a WIFE for a BOYfriend who hasn't paid the bride price, washing his clothes, spending weekends at his place, cooking for him, giving him sex, allowing him to hit you, use you like a doormat just because you want him to see you're a submissive Woman.🤦‍♀️

You will only get a HORSEBAND like that, not a HUSBAND. 

A Man knows what he wants.✅😅

Dear Lady.

If you are the one, you are the one, if you are not the one, you are not the one, so you don't end up marrying a Man who never wanted to marry you.


(c) Musa Gift

Dear Ladies, lastly, remember we are too valuable to be chasing who's not chasing you!😌 Know your value and act like it.✅😊



